Advance fee fraud is a fraud type wherein fraudsters target victims and convince them to make advance or upfront payments for goods, services and/or financial gains that do not materialize.

One of the advance fee scam that is at a rise these days is, Fake Job Scams.

How does this fraud work:

  • Fraudsters scans through the internet network and social media for job seekers.
  • The fraudsters contact job seekers through emails or calls informing them about fake job offers.
  • The criminals ask for candidates documents and application as part of the process.
  • Interview calls are conducted & Job Offers are shared as if it’s a normal hiring process.
  • After sometime, the criminals contact the victim to pay some fees to finish Visa / application processing.
  • ​Upon making the payment , the fraudsters disappear and look for other victims.

How can you avoid becoming a victim to Fake Job Scams:

  • Never deal with unknown entities claiming to be recruiters.
  • In case you receive a job offer, request for office location details and social media addresses as they mostly claim to offer you jobs from outside the country.
  • In case of doubt ,contact the entity they claim to be hiring for.
  • Never pay any fees requested by these parties.

If you notice any unusual/ suspicious transaction on your account, please contact ADIB immediately on our 24/7 Call Center at Fraud Hotline: +971 26100116