Required Documents KYC,Supporting docs like Salary certificate/income proof,residence proof for high risk
Required forms to be filled Account Opening form,BSA,EDD for high risk
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents to CRO for verification and risk assessment and sign the docs for request processing.
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Retail/Ind customers*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 15
Processing Time Same day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches,ADIB@Work, Priority Banking

Upgrade / Downgrade from Rise,Gold or Diamond Priority Banking Services

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Customer Segment Change form,Customer ID update form digitally generated by BPM
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) Personal Banking class codes only – excluding Private banking class codes*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 8
Processing Time Same day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches,RCC,Priority Banking

Subscription to Mazaya Bundle for all Retail Banking Resident - Mass, and Rise Customers

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Mazaya Subscription Form
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service)
  • Account class codes
    • 101 AED Current Account
    • 120 AED Electron Account
    • 201 AED Saving Account
    • 243 AED Ghina Saving Account
    • 256 AED Ghina Salaried Account
    • 389 Mazaya class code
    • 390 ADIB @ Work Mazaya Segment
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Processing Time Same day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs AED 105
Channels Branch

Information Update

Required Documents EID/Passport,Salary Certificate,Address proof
Required forms to be filled Customer Maintenance form,name change form,linked account relationship form digitally generated by BPM
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Retail Customers
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 10
Processing Time Before 2 PM-Same Day
After 2 PM- Next business day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches,PRB,Priority,CUBG,GPCU,RCC,DSU

Activation of Dormant (unused for at least 3 years) Accounts

Required Documents EID,Passport copy,VISA page,KYC form,OMNI check,Central bank screenshot,CRS,EID Validation form
Required forms to be filled Dormant Account Activation ( BPM generated)
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: visit the branch,submit the document, sign the docs,submits from the application
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers except Private Banking*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 5
Processing Time Before 2PM: Same day
After 2PM: next working day
Channels Branches,WBG,ICD,Collections,Community Banking,Escrow Management

Activation of account when minors turn 21

Required Documents BSA form, EDD KYC,
Individual account opening form,
Passport of Primary holder,
EID & EID Validation,
CRS, Debit card form,
Check List , Omni & CB,
Guardian cancelation form if costumer is below 20 years 11 month or Legal document or court approval or POA
Required forms to be filled Customer Request Form -Digitally generated by BPM
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) ADIB account holders who were minors have now completed 21 years of age*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 20
Processing Time Same day
Channels Branches

Un-subscription of the Mazaya Bundle on opt-out basis.

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Mazaya UnSubscription Form
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) Mass Rim Class code 389 and ADIB @ Work Mazaya Segment 390
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Processing Time Same day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches

Setting up Sweep and OD protection on the account to prevent transaction failure due to insufficient funds

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Sweep /OD digital form generated on BPM
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs, go to CRO to pay fees/ charges(if applicable)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 9
Processing Time Same day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches,PRB,CUBG+V9:AC9

Processing requests to add, update or delete signatures

Required Documents KYC,any legal doc,EID
Required forms to be filled Request form generated by BPM
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers including Non Individual Private banking clients
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 10
Processing Time Same day
Channels Branches,Priority Banking , Private Banking

Processing applications for Standing Orders within or outside the UAE for ADIB accounts

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Standing Order Form
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch/logs request in through respective channels, submit documents, sign the docs, go to CRO to pay fees/ charges(if applicable)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 8
Processing Time Before 1 PM-Same Day
After 1 PM- Next business day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs Charges as per customer segment/charity
Channels Branches,IB

Processing of Demand Draft (DD) or issuance of Manager Cheque

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Demand Draft Form
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs, go to teller to pay fees/ charges(if applicable)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 8
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs Auto debited from AMBIT system based on segment
Channels Branches

Manual Cash Deposit & Withdrawals

Required Documents EID/Passport
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs, go to teller to pay fees/ charges(if applicable)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 3
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches

Linking, De-linking, and Limit change for Debit Cards

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Debit card Linking/delinking form
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs, go to CRO to pay fees/ charges(if applicable)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Retail Customers*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 7
Processing Time Before 2 PM-Same Day
After 2 PM- Next business day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Mobile App, Branches

Debit card replacement

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled NA
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch/logs request in through respective channels, submit documents, sign the docs, go to CRO to pay fees/ charges(if applicable)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Retail Customers
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 5
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs upto 25 AED + VAT based on segment
Channels Branch,Mobile App, RCC, IB,Priority Banking

Debit Card Dispute

Required Documents Supporting documents
Required forms to be filled Card holder dispute form
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents to CRO and sign the docs for request processing
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB CC and DC holders
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 8
Processing Time Minimum 5 Business days
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches,RCC

Accounts Closure

Required Documents EID/Passport
Required forms to be filled Account Closure form, Takharouj form generated by BPM
Customer Journey Customer's Journey: Visit the branch, submit documents, sign the docs/app, go to CRO for request processing Process: Initiator(M&C) -> SO Cancellation(M&C) --> AST(M&C)
Eligibility (who is eligible for this service) All ADIB Customers*
*-Subject to Bank's approved SOPs and policies
Terms and Conditions All T&Cs are mentioned in the manual/digital forms pertaining to the specific request.Customer is requested to sign the docs with T&Cs
Service time 7
Processing Time Same day
Fees/ Charges/ Tarrifs NA
Channels Branches,GPCU,BBD,WBG,PRB,CUBG,ADIB@Work,CAO Maker