Key Benefits

Get up to 50% of your salary

Competitive profit rate

Zero Processing Fees​​​​​​​

Get ADIB Yusr - Salary Advance Finance in simple and easy steps

(Below is an example only)

Log in to the ADIB Mobile App and select your Salary Advance Finance amount
Review and sign Key Facts Statement, Terms & Conditions
*Declare types of expenses & amount
Review finance offer & sign Sukuk Murabaha Sale contract
Redeem your Sukuk for cash​​​


  1. If you do not meet the payment on your Salary Advance Finance, this may affect your credit rating, which may limit your ability to obtain financing in your future.
  2. Salary transfer to another bank is subject to settlement of outstanding amount on ADIB Yusr - Salary Advance Finance.
  3. *Credit approval is subject to meeting the Affordability Assessment criteria of the bank.
  4. Total Price amount of ADIB Yusr - Salary Advance Finance will be collected from your salary account on upcoming salary transfer date automatically.​