Valet Parking

Valet Parking

Valet Parking

Enjoy upto 4* valet parking visits per month (standard parking only) at most malls in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Simply show any eligible ADIB Card at the valet parking desk, hand over the keys and get shopping!

City Location
Abu Dhabi Marina Mall
Dalma Mall
DeerFields Town Square Mall
Dubai American Hospital
Oasis Center
Ibn Battuta Mall
Wafi Mall
Dubai International Airport**

Every extra visit over and above the allocated visits will be charged.

*2 valet parking visits per month (standard parking only) for ADIB Diamond, Edge, Signature, ADIB Emirates Skywards World and Dana Mastercard Covered Cards
**Not applicable on ADIB Diamond, Edge and cards

Valet Parking service will be discontinued effective 26th Nov 2022 for all ADIB Diamond Visa Infinite Debit Cards, Etihad guest visa Diamond Infinite Debit cards and Mazaya Cards.

Please note, only the following cards are eligible for the valet parking benefit: