
Introducing ADIB Chat Banking via Whatsapp!

Access all your banking needs in a few clicks on your mobile

Introducing ADIB Chat Banking via WhatsApp!

You can now use an array of features with chat banking:


Check your balance


View e-statements and transactions


Transfer funds within your accounts


Find your nearest branch or ATM


Activate or Deactivate your cards

How to identify the verified ADIB Chat Banking account in WhatsApp?

Chat Banking
  • ADIB logo and name will be automatically displayed in Whatsapp
  • Look for the check next to ADIB's name in the Whatsapp chat window
  • Tap on Abu Dhabi slamic Bank's name
  • You will be directed to ADIB Chat Banking Business Info page
  • Tap on Official Business Account
  • Whatsapp will confirm that this is the Official Business Account of ADIB Chat Banking
  • You are now safe to enjoy your Chat Banking experience via WhatsApp with ADIB Chat Banking