Terms and Conditions:

  1. In relation to the Wakala Agreement for Investment, the Customer, hereby, appointed ADIB, as his Wakil, and ADIB accepted this appointment, as a Wakil of the customer, the principal, with respect to the investment of the Investment Amount in Islamically acceptable transaction(s) as a part of the Wakil's General Pool in compliance with the rules and principles of Shari'a as determined by the Shari'a Board of ADIB and the terms and conditions of the standard Master Wakala Agreement for Investment (of ADIB) approved by the Shari'a resolution no. (29/1/2008.2) - a copy of which is available to the Customer upon request - to the extent that these terms and conditions are not in conflict with the Terms and Conditions of this Term Sheet
  2. The Customer authorized the Wakil, to debit his account with the Investment amount on the Investment Date. Upon signing this agreement, the payment of the Total Payable Amount mentioned under "Wakala for Investment Details" will be blocked until the Investment Date.
  3. ADIB has the right to reject any subscription without being obliged to disclose the reasons for such rejection.
  4. ADIB reserves the right to alter at its discretion the Subscription Period and during this process, it has the right to process, reject, cancel or alter the Subscription Period not exceeding a period of 30 days from the subscription date, any or all investments without any liability toward the Customer. During this Subscription Period, the Customer will be exposed to different types of risks including but not limited to foreign currency exchange rates risk.
  5. The investment does not have its legal entity and the assets of the investment may be held in the name of ADIB acting as Wakil.
  6. In relation to the 1st Murabaha transaction(s) which shall be concluded on Murabaha Transaction(s) Date(s) subject to achieving the expected results of the Wakala for Investment, the Customer appointed ADIB, and ADIB has accepted this appointment, to act as Agent to enter in international commodity Murabaha with a counterparty as a buyer, and consequently shall be obliged to pay (on behalf of the Customer) to the counterparty this Murabaha selling price(s). By entering into this transaction(s), the Customer accepts all risks related to this transaction(s). The Customer hereby authorizes ADIB as its Agent to enter into all the necessary agreements that are required to enter into this Murabaha and to sell thereafter the commodities to a third party purchaser, different from the initial seller that sells initially these commodities to the counterparty of ADIB in this Murabaha.
  7. In relation to the 2nd Murabaha transaction(s), the Customer has hereby appointed ADIB as its Agent to enter into an international commodity Murabaha transaction(s) with counterparty. ADIB has hereby accepted this appointment. With this appointment, the Customer authorizes ADIB, as its Agent, to enter into all agreements required to conclude the necessary Murabaha transaction(s). On each Murabaha Transaction(s) Date(s), two Murahabas shall be executed (1st Murabaha and 2nd Murabaha transaction(s)).
    • The 2nd Murabaha transaction(s) shall be concluded on Murabaha Transaction(s) Date(s) subject to achieving the expected results of the Wakala Agreement for Investment. The profit of this 2nd Murabaha transaction(s) shall be determined by the Returns at Maturity Date in light of the Note Performance, as specified under the subheading Returns in the first page of this Term Sheet.
    • If the Note Performance equals zero or is negative on the Murabaha Transaction(s) Date(s), this profit amount of the 1st & 2nd Murabaha Transaction(s) shall include an extra USD 100.
  8. In relation to the 1st Murabaha and 2nd Murabaha which shall be concluded in accordance with Clause 6 and Clause 7 under Contract, Terms and Conditions, ADIB shall transfer to/receive from the counterparty only the net reconciliation of the these 2 Murabahas.
  9. As a Customer I fully understand that all transaction(s) indicated in my investment application may not be in line with my own investment profile and understand that ADIB is carrying out this transaction(s) on my/our behalf on an "execution only" basis in its capacity as Agent.
  10. As a Customer I am obliged to consult my own professional advisor(s) prior to entering into any investment as to the legal, tax and business risks involved in this investment and that ADIB will not be responsible for rendering any advice in this respect.
  11. All disputes and differences in connection with this Term Sheet shall be governed by UAE laws as applied by Abu Dhabi courts to the extent that they do not conflict with the principles of Shari'a as determined by the Shari'a Board.
  12. After a 3 month lock-in period, the investment can be redeemed on a monthly basis at an agreed upon Price(s), Redemption Price(s), (which can be equal, higher or lower than the initial Investment Amount) on the Redemption Day, subject to submitting the request on the Redemption Request Date(s). The Customers hereby authorize ADIB as their agent to enter in all necessary Murabaha Sales Contract (s) either as a buyer or as a seller, on their behalf, whenever that is necessary to redeem any note(s) of any Customer. The redemption process shall be concluded in two stages. First, the Customer shall offer to sell his/her share in the Wakil’s General Pool to ADIB acting as an agent of the entire owners, other than that Customer, who accepts, in the same capacity as an agent of the entire owners, other than that Customer, to purchase the same share from that Customer at the agreed upon Redemption Price(s) that is specified in the Redemption Form. Second, ADIB, acting as an agent of the Customer, shall enter, on behalf of the Customer, into 2 Murabaha transaction(s), in the first of which is a buyer, and in the second of which is as a seller. All these processes shall be conducted in accordance with the Redemption Form and with the Contract, Terms and Conditions, of this Note, in particular Clauses 6 and 7. First, regular redemption to be received on or before 15th October 2018, and on or before the 15th or each month thereafter. The 100% Capital Protection is only valid if investment is held until maturity.
  13. Redemption is not allowed before the passage of the 3 month lock-in period, however, if the Customer requests for redemption then ADIB in the capacity mentioned in clause 12 above, may accept to perform the Redemption in accordance with the clause 12 of these Terms & Conditions.